Lighting Commissioning
BNA Consulting offers lighting commissioning as a quality assurance process to verify and document that lighting systems function as designed and meet the operational needs of the owner and building users. Lighting Commissioning is the professional practice that ensures buildings are delivered according to the Owner’s Project Requirements. Buildings that are properly commissioned typically have fewer change orders, tend to be more energy efficient, and have operation and maintenance costs 8 to 20 percent lower than a non-commissioned building. The cost of performing commissioning is typically paid back in less than 5 years from energy savings alone.
Informed building owners recognize that a high-performance building is a key element for business success. It gives them a competitive advantage. Offices for our lighting commissioning team include Salt Lake City and St. George Utah.
Benefits from lighting commissioning include:
- Deliver buildings and construction projects that meet the owner’s project requirements
- Prevent or eliminate problems inexpensively through proactive quality techniques which reduce the quantity and cost of change orders through the construction process
- Verify systems are installed and working correctly and benchmark that correct operation
- Lower overall first costs and life-cycle costs for the owner
- Provide documentation and records on the design, construction, and testing to facilitate operation and maintenance of the facility
- Maintain facility performance for the building’s entire life cycle
BNA Building Commissioning Services
Lighting System Commissioning
Lighting Control System Commissioning
Audiovisual Commissioning
Sound System Commissioning
Data & Telecommunications (ICS) Commissioning